nedelja, 22. september 2013

♥ closing fair

It was the most colourful and diverse fair in park Tabor Ljubljana and for me it was the best fair this year.

There were so many different people, so much different stuff. Some people were selling, some were buying, some were exchanging and some were just chatting.
You could buy virtually everything... there were clothes, dishes, books, jewelry, paintings, fabric, toys, furniture... and you could also exchange vegetables.

It was wonderful.

I was also very happy because people really find my new jewelry collection - Divne naplavine - from driftwood very interesting and they really like it. 

Thank you all who came to visit me (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥



6 komentarjev:

  1. Čudovito dogajanje in čestitke za novo "nakitno" idejo :)).

    1. Hvala Hrandica :) ...res je bilo super in upam, da bo drugo leto več takšnih združenih sejmov.

  2. joooooj kako ste se me fajn, mi je kar žal, da nisem mogla prit, ... pa super zgleda tvoja stojnica! lp

  3. Hvala za utrinke!!!!Tol'k fino se zdi!!!! A si me videla tam vmes?! Hecam se...z mislimi pa sem bila res bolj tam kot tam, kjer sem bila...

    1. ha ha ha... škoda, da te ni bilo... bi ti bilo prav fino-fajn :) Jaz sem šla tri kroge naokrog, pa vsakič kaj novega opazila :)
