sobota, 28. januar 2012
petek, 27. januar 2012
četrtek, 26. januar 2012
ogrlica iz filca / felt necklace
Že nekaj časa nazaj sem v Prometej Centru kupila te barvite krogce iz filca in iz njih naredila tole preprosto in luštno ogrlico.
Vse skupaj je le nekaj minut dela, saj krogce enostavno sešijete s šivalnim strojem.
A while ago I bought this colorful felt circles and made this simple and adorable necklace.
It's very easily and quickly made, you just need a sewing machine to sew them together.
It's very easily and quickly made, you just need a sewing machine to sew them together.
Be creative ;)
sreda, 25. januar 2012
ponedeljek, 16. januar 2012
četrtek, 12. januar 2012
ponedeljek, 9. januar 2012
Ker imam rada sladke stvari,
sem ustvarila tole ♥ muffin darilno škatlico, ki je res ni težko narediti.
Potrebujete okroglo škatlico, leseno polkroglo, akrilne Deka Lack barve, bleščice, prozorno lepilo, okrasni trakec in čopič.
Potrebujete okroglo škatlico, leseno polkroglo, akrilne Deka Lack barve, bleščice, prozorno lepilo, okrasni trakec in čopič.
Vse te sestavine pa dobite v
I have a serious sweet tooth
and that's why I created this ♥ cupcake gift box.
Good news is, it´s really easy to make.
All you need is a round box, wooden half sphere, acrylic Deka Lack paints, glitters, transparent glue, decorative ribbon and paintbrush.
sobota, 7. januar 2012
petek, 6. januar 2012
work in progress
Uff... sem prav happy, da je december za mano.
Bilo je veselo in delavno.
Hvala vsem za naročila ♥
Še nekaj dni bom podarila samo sebi, nato pa začnem ustvarjati slikice in broške, ki ste mi jih naročile...
Ugh…I´m very happy that December is over.
It was a joyful and very busy month.
Thank you for all your orders ♥
It was a joyful and very busy month.
Thank you for all your orders ♥
I'm taking the next few days for myself and then I´ll be back creating paintings and brooches you ordered…
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